Saturday, October 8, 2011

Need. To. Blog.

So, I've started a new job and am busier than ever. I am really liking this area of the world, though. It's very much like Philly or Baltimore, but with southern charm. Methinks that Garden and Gun was right about this hidden gem.

I have been exploring thrift stores and the plethora of chain, as well as local stores here. Very cool. I also really like a certain small town here where you can get houses (no lie!) at a third of the price as what we saw in MD. Crazy. I was pretty much sold on moving there until we discovered another place. It's what realtors often call a "transitional neighborhood." My mom would call it the slums. Let's split the difference and call it "the arts district." We have to think of safety, schools, etc. but, of course, that is now where L wants to live. It is really cool. I explored the art hop last night and it was very lively. I was out of sorts a little not working or knowing the artists personally, but it was kind of nice to be out and about. I think I'm gonna like it here :-)

So, even though I've got very little down time, I am really feeling the need to be in this space more. Let's see if I can stick to it.

PS: If you don't read Garden and Gun, you should.

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