With all the crappiness going on in my life for the past few years, I'm amazed I've been able to laugh a bunch of it off and keep my head held high. It is helpful when you have an adorable little munchkin to make you smile. Reading blogs and now starting this one has been helpful. I was reluctant to do either at first, because I really didn't want to get sucked into "mommy blogging." Besides, the selection of blogs is pretty darn overwhelming! My problem with typical mommy bloggers is that they come across as whiney. I do not want to hear about how gosh darn awful it is to stay home with your kids. I loved being home for the way-too-short time I was with my boy, but it just wasn't in the cards for us. And if it's such a bad situation, why not quit like you would any bad job? It's certainly not for the pay or perks. So, I've limited myself to people I actually know and/or people who feature their life as a mom, with it's ups and downs, but more as a joy and challenge. I have even turned away from blogs that others have told me are "hysterical" because, simply put, they are not. I tend to be more amused by wit and subtle "British-style" humor. In-your-face attempts at humor, like recent sitcoms and SNL, simply do not bowl me over. They simply come across as trying too hard. That's why I prefer and have chosen to be a "mom who blogs" instead.
Today I read a blog that I recently started following that had something good to say. Referencing the book _Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action_, she talked about how too often we focus on the “what” we want to achieve without figuring out “why” first. But if you first have the “why” firmly in place it will guide all the decisions you make and allow you to stay on your true path. Sounds simplistic but it really is true. I have been feeling this way a lot lately, trying to make the big decision about where I want to go from here. Do I want to stay in my field, even if it means moving someplace that is not my choice? Or do I move to where I want to be and do something totally different? I need to start focusing on the WHY!! Maybe that will lead me to where I want and need to be. I also used to do something that I borrowed from a former co-worker that has been sorely missed in my life. Every day she simply made a list. Two lists actually. One was easy -- "To Do." The other, not so much. "Ta Da." Yes, a daily reminder of something good for the day. Why is it so much easier to identify things that need to be done and much more difficult to scrounge up at least one good thing about the day? So, I have made it a goal to revive these daily lists.
Back to the topic of blogs... (BTW, I think the article I read about motherhood ADHD is accurate!) I have also been really enlightened and snapped into realizing how lucky I am by reading some blogs. Really, even with some health concerns, I have a beautful healthy child. I have been moved to tears by stories of heartache over sick and deceased children. My mom was widowed (with three kids) at 21 and always remained close to her late husband's family. She always said it must be the hardest thing in the world to lose a child. After reading so many stories, I must agree. So, I have become increasingly grateful for a little boy that came into the world on his own terms and has forced me to embrace his stubbornness.
Before I go off to make a list for today, I have to share one thing. I completely forgot about one of the things that drives me mad in my pet peeve list. If I want to make a cup of tea, I boil just enough water. For some reason my husband and mom (who are terribly alike and dirve each other and me crazy because of it) will boil a whole kettle of water. It is irritating because, of course, it only means you must wait even longer for the dang water to boil. Aaaaand -- there's always an and if I get really gripy -- I have to pour out a whole stinkin' pot of water the next time I use the kettle. I don't know why I find that simple action so frustrating. I just do ok? Why? Because I'm the mommy. Just not a "mommy blogger!"
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